We offer our services in the ‘Agriculture’ and ‘Processing and Trade’ divisions.
Please select the relevant division. You will then see an overview of the services available.
Your path to certification, step by step
You express your interest
Click on the “Register interest” button and fill in the form
We contact you promptly
by phone or mail
You register with us
Sign and send in the registration form
We inspect you on site,
certify your products and issue the certificate
Bio Garantie GmbH is an accredited inspection and certification body in accordance with ISO 17065. All activities are subjected to supervision by the Austrian Accreditation Authority and the National Office for Agricultural Machinerie and organic Prouction in Bozen.
Enrollment of new companies
New clients register with us on our website for the desired services.
On-site inspection
We conduct the on-site inspection using an integrated and structured checklist. We send the documents which have to be completed to our clients prior to the inspection. During the inspection our inspector puts together an inspection report, in which their observations and the measures which have to be done by the client following the inspection, are recorded, along with the deadlines of these. In the end of the inspection our inspector shares the content of the inspection report, then both parties sign it. Following this the inspection report and all belonging documents are forwarded to the certifier. Therefore the inspection and the certification processes are never conducted by the same person.
Certification procedure
The certification body checks all the information collected by the inspector during the inspection process. If the farm/processing plant and the products comply with the regulations, the certificate is issued and the certification process is concluded.