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General documents
Record book
- Cover Sheet
- Contens
- A.1 Crop production Journal
- A.2 Crop rotation Journal
- A.3 Input additions
- A.4 Harvest and marketing volume
- A.5 Wild collection
- B.1 Livestock
- B.2 External feed
- B.3 Animal treatment
- B.4 Exercise journal
- B.5 Additional resources animal husbandry
- B.6 Loaned livestock and stabled horses
- C.1 Recipes
- C.2 Product list
- C.3 Purchase ingredients, supplies
- C.4 Suppliers
- C.5 Production protocol
- C.6 Stock level
- C.7 Sales, disposals
- C.8 Customers
Information materials: Plant production, mushroom production, wild collection
Information materials: Animal husbandry, apiary
- INFO sheet stable exercice areas
- INFO sheet of cattle farming overview
- INFO sheet interventions on animals
- INFO sheet organic fattening pigs
- INFO sheet organic poultry
- INFO sheet organic laying hens
- INFO sheet pasture cattle
- INFO sheet purchase of feeding surfaces
- INFO sheet purchase animal
- INFO sheet drugs
- INFO sheet calves in groups
- INFO sheet animals for own use
- INFO sheet organic beekeeping
- INFO-sheet temporary tethering of cattle
- INFO-sheet organic water fowl
- INFO-sheet organic turkey
- INFO-sheet organic rabbits
- INFO-sheet organic cervine animals
Forms and templates: Plant production and animal husbandry
Forms and templates: Collection of wild plants